SaaS Email Marketing Success
SaaS Email Marketing Success
SaaS Email Marketing Success

SaaS Email Success: Metrics Beyond Opens and Clicks

Wiktoria Slowikowska


Wiktoria Slowikowska

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User Acquisition

SaaS Email Success: Metrics Beyond Opens and Clicks

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SaaS Email Marketing Success

Counting email opens and clicks has been the usual way to measure how well email campaigns are doing. But for SaaS companies today, these basic email marketing metrics don't tell the whole story. They miss a lot of important information about how users really interact with your product after reading an email. 

The journey from getting an email to becoming a paying customer isn't just about one click. In the world of SaaS, where keeping users happy and turning them into long-term customers is key, it's important to know what happens after someone clicks on your email. Do they sign up for a trial? Do they use new features? Do they end up paying for your service?

By tracking what users do from the moment they click on your email all the way through to becoming customers, you can learn a lot. This detailed approach helps you understand which emails really work, not just in getting clicks, but in bringing in actual business. It helps you make better emails, focus on the actions that matter, and build stronger relationships with your users.

The Limitations of Traditional Metrics

Email opens and clicks are the most basic ways to measure how people interact with your emails. An "open" is counted when someone loads the images in your email, while a "click" happens when they tap or click on a link inside the email. These numbers can tell you if people are seeing your emails and if they're interested enough to click through.

But for SaaS businesses, these metrics don't tell the whole story. Just because someone opened an email or clicked a link doesn't mean they took any meaningful action in your product. These numbers don't show you if users signed up for a trial, started using a new feature, or upgraded their account. In the SaaS world, where the goal is often to get users more engaged with your product, opens and clicks alone aren't enough to measure true success.

To make things more complicated, recent changes in email technology have made these basic metrics less reliable. For example, Apple's Mail Privacy Protection, introduced in 2021, makes it harder to accurately track email opens for Apple Mail users. This means that open rates might appear artificially high and less trustworthy as a metric. With these changes, it's become even more important for SaaS companies to look beyond opens and clicks to understand the real impact of their email campaigns.

Key Metrics to Track for True Impact

SaaS Email Marketing campaign metrics

Here are the key metrics SaaS companies should track to measure the true impact of their email campaigns:

  1. Post-click Engagement

This goes beyond just tracking clicks. Look at what users do after they land on your site or in your app from an email. How much time do they spend? Which features do they interact with? For example, if you're promoting a new feature in your email, track how many users actually try it out after clicking through. This kind of post-click engagement can provide insights into the effectiveness of your content and help refine your conversion tracking efforts.

  1. Conversion Rate from Email Traffic

For SaaS, conversions could mean different things depending on your goals. It might be signing up for a free trial, upgrading from a free to a paid plan, or activating a specific feature. Calculate the percentage of email recipients who take these desired actions. This shows how effective your emails are at driving real business results and contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of email ROI.

  1. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) of Email-Acquired Customers

Track how valuable customers are over time when they come in through email campaigns. Do they stick around longer? Do they upgrade more often? This helps you understand the long-term impact of your email marketing efforts on your bottom line.

  1. Multi-touch Attribution

Users often interact with your brand multiple times before converting. Track how email fits into this bigger picture. Maybe email works best for re-engaging dormant users, or perhaps it's most effective when combined with in-app messages. Understanding this helps you optimize your overall marketing strategy.

Remember, the goal is to connect your email marketing metrics directly to user behavior in your product and to your business outcomes. This way, you're measuring not just engagement with your emails, but their actual impact on your SaaS business growth.

Implementing Advanced Email Tracking

SaaS emails opens and clicks

Advanced email tracking is crucial for SaaS businesses to understand how campaigns impact product usage and business growth. By looking beyond opens and clicks, you can connect email engagement to user behavior and key outcomes. Here are two essential elements for implementing advanced email tracking in your SaaS:

UTM Parameters

These are tags added to URLs in your emails. They help you track which specific campaigns drive user actions in your product. By using unique UTM parameters for different campaigns or features, you can see which emails effectively promote adoption, upgrades, or increased usage. This is essential for accurate conversion tracking and understanding the true email ROI.

Integrating Email and Product Data

Connect your email engagement data with product analytics. This shows how email interactions relate to user behavior in your app. For example, you might discover that users who engage with certain emails have higher retention rates or are more likely to try new features. This integration provides a complete view of your email campaigns' impact on key SaaS metrics.

Using Insights to Improve Campaigns

So, you've set up some fancy tracking for your emails. Great job! But now what? All those numbers and data points are just collecting dust unless you put them to work. Let's talk about how you can use all this new info to make your emails even better.

  1. Personalize Content Based on Product Usage

Tailor email content to reflect how users interact with your SaaS product. For example, highlight advanced features for power users or send re-engagement emails to inactive users.

  1. Optimize Send Times for Maximum Impact

Use conversion data to determine when your emails are most likely to drive desired actions. This might vary for different user segments or actions (like upgrades vs. feature adoption).

  1. Refine User Segmentation

Group users based on their behavior in your product, not just their email engagement. This allows for more targeted and effective email campaigns.


As we've discussed, looking beyond opens and clicks is crucial for SaaS businesses to truly understand their email campaign impact. But implementing these advanced tracking methods can be challenging. That's why we've developed a comprehensive solution to help you measure email campaign success more effectively.

Hyperaktiv offers seamless UTM tracking, intelligent performance scoring, and long-term impact analysis. These tools allow you to see which campaigns drive real value, not just clicks. You'll be able to optimize your strategy based on data-driven insights, focusing on the metrics that truly matter for your SaaS product.

Ready to Enhance Your Email Strategy?

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