Programmatic SEO: A Game-Changer for SaaS Growth

Aleksa Mitrović


Aleksa Mitrović

30 juil. 2024

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Programmatic SEO: A Game-Changer for SaaS Growth

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Programmatic SEO is revolutionizing the digital marketing landscape, offering SaaS companies a powerful tool to outpace their competition. To uncover the potential of this game-changing strategy, Aleksa - the cofounder of sat down with Matija Golubović, the founder of Omnius and a seasoned professional in the field of SEO and digital marketing.

Matija brings a wealth of experience to the table, with years of expertise in the SaaS industry. Known for his data-driven approach, Matija has a keen eye for optimizing campaigns and delivering remarkable results. His deep understanding of the intricacies of programmatic SEO and how it can be leveraged to drive successful Go-To-Market strategies makes him the perfect guide for this topic.

In this enlightening interview, Matija shared his insights on how programmatic SEO has been a game-changer for many SaaS companies. Let's explore the power of programmatic SEO as a Go-To-Market strategy, based on Matija's expert knowledge and experience.

Keywords research SEO

Understanding the Basics of Programmatic SEO

Programmatic SEO is an advanced approach to search engine optimization that leverages data, automation, and machine learning to optimize websites and content at scale. It goes beyond traditional manual optimization techniques by utilizing sophisticated tools and algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, and make data-informed decisions.

At its core, programmatic SEO involves using advanced technology to automate and scale various aspects of SEO, including:

  1. Keyword research and targeting

  2. Content creation and optimization

  3. On-page SEO elements

  4. Performance tracking and analysis

For SaaS companies, with their dynamic environments and data-rich platforms, programmatic SEO offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency, scalability, and personalization.

The Difference Between Traditional and Programmatic SEO

Traditional SEO relies on manual optimization techniques, which can be time-consuming and have limited scalability. In contrast, programmatic SEO employs an automated, data-driven approach that enables efficient optimization at scale and real-time adjustments based on data insights.

Instead of making educated guesses, you're making data-driven decisions in real-time. This approach allows businesses to automate, personalize, and scale their SEO efforts, ultimately driving more efficient and effective Go-To-Market strategies.

Implementing Programmatic SEO: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Analyze Traffic Data: Connect your website to Google Analytics (or your preferred analytics platform) and dive into your organic search data. Pay close attention to your organic search traffic, analyzing the keywords driving traffic to your site and assessing their performance.

  2. Identify Key Metrics: Define the key metrics you'll use to track the success of your programmatic SEO campaign. These may include page views, unique visitors, time spent on site, conversion rates, and sign-ups or sales attributable to organic search traffic.

  3. Implement Your Programmatic SEO Strategy: Focus on content optimization by creating engaging, relevant content aligned with your target audience's interests and needs. Use your data insights to guide you. For keyword targeting, identify and target a combination of broad and specific keywords, considering user intent behind the keywords.

  4. Leverage Programmatic SEO Tools and Techniques: Utilize data analysis tools to process vast amounts of data and identify patterns and correlations. Implement automation platforms to streamline repetitive tasks like keyword research and content optimization. Leverage machine learning algorithms that enable tools to learn and adapt over time, and employ dynamic content optimization to automatically adjust website content based on user behavior and real-time data.

Creating Content for Different Stages of the Funnel

Top of the funnel marketing

When implementing programmatic SEO, it's crucial to create content that addresses different stages of the customer journey. Here's how to approach content creation for each stage of the funnel:

Top of the Funnel (TOFU)

At this stage, users are typically in the awareness phase, seeking information and education. Create content that:

  • Provides broad overviews of industry topics

  • Addresses common pain points

  • Offers general solutions without being too product-specific

Content formats: Blog posts, infographics, educational videos

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU)

Here, users are evaluating solutions and considering options. Your content should:

  • Compare different solutions

  • Provide more detailed information about your product or service

  • Showcase case studies and success stories

Content formats: Whitepapers, webinars, product comparison guides

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

At this stage, users are ready to make a decision. Your content should:

  • Highlight your unique value proposition

  • Provide detailed product information

  • Offer free trials or demos

Content formats: Product demos, free trial landing pages, customer testimonials

By creating content for each stage of the funnel, you ensure that you're addressing the needs of your audience throughout their entire journey, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Prioritizing Pages for Maximum Impact

To make the most of your programmatic SEO efforts, focus on:

  1. Identifying High-Engagement Pages: Look for pages with high page views, low bounce rates, and long average time spent on the page. Optimize these high-performing pages with targeted keywords and enhanced content.

  2. Focusing on Conversion-Driven Pages: Prioritize landing pages, product pages, or sign-up pages crucial for driving conversions. Ensure these pages are fully optimized and aligned with search engine guidelines.

  3. Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals: Identify pages that can deliver both immediate results and long-term value. Diversify your efforts to achieve both short-term success and long-term sustainability.

Understanding User Intent to Optimize Your SEO Strategy

User intent refers to the underlying purpose driving users to search for specific information. By aligning your content with user intent, you can create more relevant and engaging experiences for your audience. This approach improves search engine rankings, attracts qualified traffic, and increases engagement and conversions.

To decode user intent, analyze user behavior by examining page views, dwell time, bounce rates, and exit pages. Track user journeys and interactions to gain deeper insights into their needs and preferences.

Tailor your content to meet user needs by creating intent-driven content that addresses specific user queries. Optimize for a seamless user experience and personalize content based on user segments and contexts.

Tailoring SEO Strategies to Funding Scenarios

SEO for Bootstrapped Startups

For bootstrapped startups, focus on organic growth strategies, leveraging influencer marketing and partnerships. Prioritize keyword research, on-page optimization, and implement technical SEO best practices to maximize impact with limited resources.

Scaling with VC Funding

VC-backed companies can invest in diverse content formats, build robust content marketing teams, and acquire high-quality backlinks through strategic partnerships. They can also leverage paid advertising to promote content and invest in cutting-edge SEO tools and technologies.

The Shifting SEO Landscape: Adapting to New Priorities

Recent market shifts have led to a heightened emphasis on profitability and sustainable growth. This new focus demands a more nuanced approach to SEO that justifies expenses, demonstrates the ability to generate sustainable growth, and aligns strategies with profitability goals.

VCs are now seeking startups that showcase a deep understanding of their target market and can effectively tailor their SEO approaches to drive profitable growth.

Identifying the Right Fit for Programmatic SEO

SaaS companies best suited for programmatic SEO typically have:

  1. High-volume keyword opportunities

  2. Rapidly changing landscapes

  3. Data-rich environments

  4. Scalability and growth goals

However, traditional SEO might be a better fit for companies in niche markets with limited keyword landscapes, those with limited resources and budgets, or businesses with a localized or regional focus.

Tailoring SEO Strategies for Different Stages and Industries

Software as a service

Seed and Series A Companies

Focus on building a strong foundation by establishing a robust online presence, generating initial traction, creating high-quality content, and building a solid backlink profile.

SaaS Companies

Leverage broad keyword landscapes, adapt to dynamic industry changes, and utilize data-rich environments for personalization.

Fintech Companies

Navigate regulatory considerations, focus on trust and security signals, and address potentially limited keyword landscapes.

Customizing for Business Models

  • Subscription-based Models: Emphasize retention and support upsell opportunities

  • Transaction-based Models: Focus on conversion optimization and personalization

  • Freemium Models: Target broad keyword attraction and personalized conversion journeys

Optimizing Landing Pages for Maximum Impact

Landing page SaaS

Identify key landing pages based on traffic, relevance to user journeys, and conversion potential.

  1. Enhance the user experience by crafting clear and compelling messaging, investing in visual appeal and usability, and creating relevant, targeted content.

  2. Optimize for conversions with clear CTAs and reduced form friction.

  3. Measure and iterate continuously by setting up analytics tracking, conducting A/B tests, gathering user feedback, and making improvements based on data insights.

Key Takeaways for PLG SaaS Companies

  1. Personalization is Key: Utilize product usage data to create personalized content experiences.

  2. Focus on User Intent: Target keywords that align with different stages of the user journey.

  3. Leverage Product Features for Content: Create programmatically generated content around product features, use cases, and integrations.

  4. Optimize for Product-Led Conversions: Use programmatic SEO to optimize landing pages and in-product experiences.

  5. Utilize User-Generated Content: Incorporate user reviews, case studies, and community discussions into your SEO strategy.

  6. Implement Dynamic Pricing Pages: Create and optimize dynamic pricing pages for different user segments.

  7. Automate Competitive Analysis: Continuously monitor and adapt to competitor strategies.

Success Stories and Lessons Learned

Let's examine some real-world examples of companies that have successfully implemented programmatic SEO:

Case Study 1: E-commerce Giant Boosts Conversions

An e-commerce platform implemented programmatic SEO to automate personalized product recommendations.

Implementation: They created dynamic product pages that adjusted content based on user profiles and implemented an automated internal linking structure.


  • 28% boost in conversion rates

  • 45% improvement in repeat purchases

Key Lesson: Personalization at scale significantly improves user experience and drives conversions.

Case Study 2: SaaS Platform Captures Long-Tail Traffic

A project management SaaS startup used programmatic SEO to expand its organic reach.

Implementation: They automatically generated thousands of targeted landing pages for specific industry verticals and project types.


  • 200% increase in organic traffic within 6 months

  • 150% growth in trial sign-ups

Key Lesson: Addressing niche segments with targeted content can dramatically increase organic traffic and lead quality.

Case Study 3: Fintech Startup Navigates Regulatory Landscape

A fintech startup leveraged programmatic SEO to navigate complex regulations while expanding its user base.

Implementation: They created a system that produced and updated location-specific financial advice pages to reflect the latest regulatory changes.


  • 200% increase in organic traffic within 6 months

  • Expanded services to 15 new markets without increasing legal risks

Key Lesson: Programmatic SEO can be effective even in highly regulated industries, ensuring compliance while scaling online presence.

Case Study 4: B2B SaaS Company Optimizes Technical Documentation

A B2B SaaS company used programmatic SEO to optimize their help center and technical documentation.

Implementation: They developed an AI-powered system that generated and updated FAQ pages, troubleshooting guides, and feature documentation based on user data.


  • 30% reduction in support tickets

  • 50% improvement in search rankings for product-related queries

Key Lesson: Programmatic SEO can significantly improve product support and user experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing support costs.

These case studies highlight how programmatic SEO can drive significant improvements in organic search performance, user engagement, and business outcomes across various SaaS sectors.

Practical Steps Towards Programmatic SEO

  1. Evaluate suitability: Assess your keyword landscape, analyze industry dynamics, evaluate data capabilities, define growth goals, and assess available resources.

  2. Engage with SEO experts: Define clear goals and expectations, seek specialists with SaaS expertise, encourage transparency and collaboration, and provide comprehensive data access.

  3. Build a transparent and objective strategy: Establish clear KPIs and metrics, implement robust tracking and analytics, encourage data-driven decision-making, and maintain regular reporting and communication.

  4. Start small and scale: Begin with a pilot project to test your programmatic SEO approach. Once you've validated its effectiveness, gradually expand your efforts.

  5. Continuously learn and adapt: The SEO landscape is always changing. Stay informed about the latest trends and algorithm updates, and be prepared to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Conclusion: Embracing Programmatic SEO for SaaS Success

Programmatic SEO offers a powerful approach to driving growth and market penetration for SaaS businesses. By automating and scaling keyword targeting, content creation, and personalization, companies can efficiently reach and engage their target audiences.

The SaaS landscape is always evolving, and so is SEO. Programmatic SEO gives you the agility to keep up with these changes, whether it's adapting to new search algorithms or expanding into new markets.

As the SaaS industry continues to evolve, the role of programmatic SEO will become increasingly significant. Future trends to watch include increased adoption of AI and machine learning, expansion into new channels, advanced personalization, and integration with other marketing channels.

By embracing programmatic SEO and staying agile in the face of industry advancements, SaaS businesses can maintain their competitive edge and drive sustainable growth in an ever-changing digital landscape.

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